Books,  My World and Welcome to It,  plastic,  sustainable living,  writing

An aside, and then prep for the PP

Dude, look what I found… my novel, years of blood, sweat, toil, angst and actual lived history: available used for $3.28. *sigh* It’s better than when I found it used on the discard pile at the Alameda Friends of the Library sale last year (I know who you are — I saw the inscription…). Anyway — fame and infamy. It’s everything it’s cracked up to be. *facepalm*

But never mind that. We’re working on the Plastic Purge, or getting ready for it. And everywhere I look, there’s plastic. Plastic! My magazine came wrapped in plastic. My vitamins are sealed in plastic. My shampoo bottle is plastic. My fish fillets are vacuum-packed in plastic, inside a plastic bag. My mayonnaise is in a plastic jar. My ketchup, too. My eBay packages come in plastic. My meat comes in plastic. My new clothes have plastic tags on them that I have to snip and discard. Is it just me, or are we drowning in plastic?

I always think it’s just me. But it’s not; plastic is really everywhere.

The Plastic Purge begins Wednesday. And I will start fresh on that day, June 1. I’ve had to tread carefully beforehand, because I don’t want to have had my purge before the official time. But the more I look, the worse it is. It’s in my car, it’s in my mail, it’s in my coming in and going out. Stepping off the plastic bus is going to take an entire revise of how we’ve lived til now. Shopping, cooking, storing, eating, shipping, gifting, sharing, bathing. It’s all fraught with the use of plastic, and changing that will be a trial.

Good thing I’m ready for a challenge. Are you?

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    Ginny Buccelli

    Unfortunately, Mr. McGuire wasn’t wrong.

    From The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman and Ann Bancroft. Ms. McGuire was played by Walter Brooke

    Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.
    Benjamin: Yes, sir.
    Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
    Benjamin: Yes, I am.
    Mr. McGuire: Plastics.
    Benjamin: Exactly how do you mean?


    E Thayer

    I don’t know how much of a “purge” it will be, but I’m willing to play along. It’s time we begin to at least try to minimize our use and track the damage. What’s the game plan, photos? Inventories of the waste stream? Posted here, there, anywhere?

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