Authors’ Blog Hop is on its way!
Hey! Wanna get to know some new authors? I am part of an independent authors’ blog hop in the next week, where dozens of authors will be sharing their stories, books, and knowledge. The Blog Hop links them all, so if you go to one, you can enter a drawing to win that author’s book, or to another and win other prizes. And guess what? I’m offering prizes right here!!! Yes. I am.
Oodles of goodness
Catching up here at blog-central with some announcements and news and previews and hints at future nonsense… 1) The Doris Diaries is doing beautifully. So beautifully that we won two awards in the past week. In the past day, actually. Yesterday, Monday, May 6, I got news from two separate book contests that I’ve Got Some Lovin’ to Do did very well. Not quite the winner, but close. Which is better than the proverbial poke in the eye, no? The San Francisco Book Festival gave IGSLTD an honorable mention in Biography! And I also received this email: “Your book has been named a Finalist in the Memoir category of the 2013 Next…
Earth Day authordom: Becca Lawton and the rivers of Utah
Longtime Modern Muse readers know I’m kind of a green freak (kind of? Well, I pretty much bleed green. Creepy!). I have been working with a number of stellar authors lately in a women’s publishing consortium called Indie-Visible, and one of the authors is even greener than I am. Which is pretty hard to believe. Anyhoo, I interviewed her to learn more about her book and her passion for rivers, and am posting the results of that conversation here, for your reading pleasure. And btw, Becca’s book, Junction, Utah, is one of the best books I’ve read this year. Not preachy at all, it gives an insider’s view of man…