sustainable living

  • food,  Food Stamps,  frugal,  green,  sustainable living,  The World as We Know It

    Thursday thoughts, with a free rant included

    Leftovers tonight, or cold cereal (for me). I mentioned today in another post elsewhere that I don’t like hamburgers. I don’t like ground beef. But I served the leftover BBQ burger patties the other night in gravy with mashed potatoes, and ate those leftovers today for lunch. It’s chilly today, seemed like a good day for a hot lunch — but blech. Having to eat leftover leftovers was low on the chart of my dining experiences. And now, today’s product endorsement…not!Want to save money? Don’t buy stuff. Like — anything from Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Lever Brothers, etc. Especially if you are in reduced circumstances, you can save yourself…

  • family,  food,  Food Stamps,  frugal,  sustainable living

    If it’s Tuesday, it must be meatloaf

    Did you have one of those mothers who served a specific food on a certain weeknight? I didn’t, but I knew other people who did. One friend’s mom made up her entire month’s menu, and you could go look and see what they’d be eating two weeks from now. The attention to detail was most impressive. The closest I get to that level of predictability is perhaps a “Soup Monday” for a couple of weeks — say, in Lent or Advent, as a way to bring some simplicity to the table. And Thursday tends to be leftover night at Chez Tracey. By then, we have Sunday through Wednesday night dinners…

  • food,  Food Stamps,  green,  Mr Husband,  sustainable living,  tea,  The World as We Know It

    BBQ and the Beast

    Did you ever see such a happy hostess? No? I didn’t think so. Speaking to you live from Party HQ, where the Father’s Day BBQ adventure is winding down. Well, it’s done, actually. All guests gone, all dishes washed, and all food accounted for. Well, there I am in my pink flamingo apron, clutching my bar stool for dear life as I wonder if there will be enough food or too much, and if people will come, chat, behave, and then leave before bedtime. The answer to all of the above was, I’m glad to report, a resounding yes. Yes, folks came, had fun and left, and there was enough…

  • cats,  food,  Food Stamps,  sustainable living

    the halfway mark

    Just past the halfway mark in the month of June, and halfway through the June Food Stamp Challenge. Yesterday was our payday, so I paid bills and wrangled with a couple of items. If I was a food stamp recipient, I would be glad of the extra money coming in, but either way, I’m really annoyed about the money going out, too. To wit: Our health insurance company sent me a letter saying that if I switched to their mail-order prescription service, my co-pay would decrease by 1/3. I would pay $20 for a three-month supply of Medicine A. At pharmacies, I pay $10 a month. OK, sounds good. I signed up, sent…

  • family,  food,  Food Stamps,  green,  sustainable living

    The best-laid plans (JFSC)

    The June Food Stamp Challenge continues. We have plans for a BBQ on Father’s Day and will be providing the entrees (hot dogs, sausages, burgers and some chicken), plus appetizers, desserts and some basic beverages. Family and friends have been asked to bring their own choice of beverages (beer, soda, etc.) and a salad or side dish if they want something other than what we’ll provide. So this week’s shopping will be mostly aimed at prepping for that event. Luckily, I have fresh and frozen food left over from last week, still have the chicken pieces that I cut up and froze in marinade, as well as lots of veggies, potatoes and pasta. It may get…