sustainable living

  • chickens,  food,  garden,  green,  sustainable living

    garden gal

    Did I say the garden was taking off? It is, kind of. And kind of not. Seems like the weather has been cooler, more overcast this year, thus far, and so I’m not getting quite the volume I hoped for. Yet. (Garden photo, LEFT, taken this afternoon — can you tell we live in California? Green roof to left/rear is the chicken coop roof.) I should try to do as the Dervaes family does down in Southern California and chart my productivity from the garden. Their goal for the year is 10,000 lbs. of produce, including duck and chicken eggs, honey, fruits and vegetables. We won’t get anywhere near that. But so far…

  • food,  Food Stamps,  frugal,  garden,  green,  sustainable living,  tea

    A Day of Grace (Part II)

    I’ll be as nice as I can here, but the fact is I’m in such a foul mood. Really super-cranky. Not eating, or eating very little, all day will do that. I’ve also had a day of ups and downs emotionally. I find that by now, 6 p.m., almost dinner time, I am at the end of my rope, with no tolerance for nonsense; I am not concentrating well (I can’t think of the right word here, for example, so I’m just rewriting the sentence, and that keeps happening, and is frustrating as hell). Reader’s Digest version: hunger not good. Everything that Tony the Tiger told you about eating a…

  • chickens,  family,  food,  Food Stamps,  frugal,  garden,  green,  kids,  sustainable living,  writing


    Wow, great questions coming in from readers near and far. Thank you for reading and for all your interest. This post will just answer questions — I have today’s stuff to write for the JFSC but don’t want to leave you hanging on unfinished business. And, by the way, thanks, Katy Wolk-Stanley, for blogging about me on your NonConsumer Advocate blog. You rock the house! So — 1) Will I write about more sustainable, green, urban homesteading, frugal topics, etc, henceforth? Yes. Funny, this blog started out as a how-to for writers; if you look back in the archive, you’ll see that at least for the first year or so (2004), I ended…

  • food,  Food Stamps,  frugal,  sustainable living,  The World as We Know It

    a bushel and a peck

    Trickling down to the end of the month, I thought I’d take a look at the pantry and fridge to see what we have left. The very first thing to say is that we are not starving. We are so much better off than many people. In general terms, I could whip up a soup, a simple pasta dish or some kind of omelet or casserole if need be. I also have lots of dried beans and other legumes, cereal and oatmeal to last another week at least, baking supplies, and enough condiments to smear Alameda with pickles, chutney and jam from Alameda Point to the Oakland Airport. These jars and…

  • food,  Food Stamps,  School news,  sustainable living

    not counting days

    Last night I had my first food nightmare — I was trying to stir a pot with not enough beans and vegetables in it, and I remember adding some sliced green peppers and knowing it wouldn’t really help. There wasn’t enough, and no matter how much I kept stirring, it wasn’t enough. I awoke from this dream with a clenched feeling in my chest, an elevated heart rate and a feeling of doom. Ick. Not pleasant. I have anxiety dreams sometimes, but I can’t remember one about food, ever. Intriguing, because we’re not “really” on food stamps, we’re just playing a game. But the anxiety about not feeding the family was so…