in praise of June
I love June. School is out, the sun is out, everyone is happy…no, I’m kind of lying. California in June — Northern Cali, the East Bay in particular — means FOG, overcast, bare patches of sun once in a while, and a cool wind. Not your typical bathing suit weather. My veggies won’t grow — too chilly. Not enough sunshine to make the tomatoes and squash grow wildly, as they should. It will happen by July, I’m sure — but for now, everything in the garden, except the weeds, seem stunted and sickly. But school is out — temporarily. Out of 4 kids at home, three are going to summer…
By popular demand
Here is the editorial I just published in the Alameda Sun about the proposed curriculum. You be the judge. The Alameda Sun supports the Alameda Unified School District’s new curriculum that helps to explain the reality of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people living among their straight brothers and sisters here on the Island. The Alameda Sun does not support the “opt-out” as a means of sheltering the children from truth — a reality they very likely already know about. We are not speaking of religious or political opinion here. While it is true that there are religious points of view involved — meaning, some people’s viewpoints are threatened —…
In other words, out sick this week. (koff koff) Sorry bout that.
Be There or Be Square (it’s free)
If you are in the ‘hood Friday night, I’m giving a free, short reading from Amaryllis: Collected Poems, in celebration of April’s National Poetry Month. 7:30 p.m. at Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Ave., Alameda. (www.rhythmix.org). I’ll also be talking to the high school art crowd about inspiring and supporting the young artist. No, wait, don’t run away. Poetry is good for you! It makes you smart and strong, just like a vitamin. Here, just listen…just kidding. If you missed earlier opportunities to hear Juliapoetry, fresh from the source, here’s your chance. It’s free, and it’s a short reading,and there will be no mimes, jugglers, singing children or animal acts.…
Hedey-hedey-hoo-ha. Getting ready for busy weekend. Flea market tomorrow means my house is still full o crapola, but it’s going bye bye tomorrow, and will not return. Anything left over will go to Salvation Army and friends. If you’re in the ‘hood, come to the Wood Middle School Earth Day-ish Flea Market. If you play Little League, or your kids do, you’ll be there anyway, since Rittler Park is the spot for the sport. Come to my table and buy my stuff. You can even have some of it for free. Moni will be with me, selling baked items. Yum. She’s saving up to go to the animal control academy.…