
  • cats,  Sun stuff,  writing

    daffy days

    I took this photo this morning — daffodils bursting into bloom at Alameda Point (at the old entrance gate at Atlantic). We have just ONE daffodil at our house — in a container in the front, a bulb I didn’t even know was there. But it doesn’t feel like spring until a daffodil blooms.Rain caught us by surprise the other night — I left a bunch of stuff outside — tablecloth on the table, pillows on the chairs, some other rescued chairs on the front patio — all soaked, along with cardboard boxes and garden gloves and the bowl of cat kibble. Yuk. At least I don’t have to water…

  • Catching Up,  green,  kids,  School news,  Sun stuff,  writing

    time out, time off, tune in again…

    Hi again. Sorry about that. It’s been busy. I know I always say that, but it has. Why, just this week we’ve had crazybusy antics with the school budget and student protest walkouts (see http://www.alamedasun.com/ for the scoop), and Tuesday’s school board meeting when budget cuts were decided went until about 1:30 a.m. I was there. Ack. And: this coming weekend is LunaFest, an awesome women’s film festival that is a fundraiser for breast cancer research via Luna Bar (yum), as well as the Family of Women (my women’s group) and it’s also Junior Prom Night for Alameda High, and two of our girls are going (ka-ching! hair, nails, flowers,…

  • writing

    8466 + 7030 = how the hell am i gonna do this?

    I’m writing two books at once. Starting Nov. 1, I probably mentioned 20 or 30 times, I started the National Novel Writing Month book-a-thon, to write a novel in 30 days. And it’s coming along fabulously — except that I’m WAY behind. I’m at 7030 words and should be at 20004 (at 1667 per day). On the novel. On my other book, I’m at 8466. The spiritual book is at that word count. Together, on these two books, since Nov. 1, I have written approximately 15,496 words, not counting any personal or work e-mail, blogging on Modern Muse or anything (nothing!) that I have written for the newspaper. Not even…

  • Catching Up,  kids,  School news,  writing


    Long weekend of no kids, household chores, fighting off an infection and more. I’m way behind in my NaNo but the bones are there. I thought today would be the day to catch up. Guess I was wrong. Off to bed now. But first… Happy 17th Birthday to my sweet Simone! (@right) Friday night was Homecoming at Encinal and also the Island Bowl, the cross-town rivalry game (EHS beat AHS). The seniors from the football team and cheer squad were honored, so we got to walk Simone across the field with a bouquet of flowers to celebrate her moving on from senior class to The Big World. It was a…

  • Literati,  writing

    one more thing

    Friend Mark Morford writes about the (feminine) sacred and the (masculine) profane in his San Francisco Chronicle/http://www.sfgate.com/ column today — and refers to his spiel at Alameda Literati. I think that’s lovely. See what he says: Click here: Does your religion dance? / Behold, the most dangerous issue facing modern faith: Its inability to evolve, nakedly