Sun stuff,  work

Funny face

Wow — the press release did its magic. This news is everywhere. [grin] Here’s a smattering of where it’s being seen:

1. Local blogger makes fun of newspapers and such in Alameda. He cracks me up. Here’s his take on the new Alameda Sun publisher story: (with photo)

2. From Editor & Publisher : (online edition)
Julia Park Tracey Named ‘Alameda (Calif.) Sun’ Publisher, Exec. Editor
November 05, 2007 – Julia Park Tracey has been appointed publisher and executive editor of The Alameda (Calif.) Sun and its parent corporation, Stellar Media Group Inc. Tracey, the newspaper’s founding editor, has been co-editor of The East Bay Monthly in Berkeley, Calif., since 2006. (with photo)

3. From the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club e-news:
Familiar face returns to lead Alameda Sun (with photo)

4. From’s “Movers & Shakers,” Bay Area Biz, Oct. 31, 07 edition:
Julia Park Tracey rejoined the Alameda Sun as publisher and executive editor. She was the weekly newspaper’s first editor when it was founded in 2001. She left the paper in 2004 and most recently was co-editor of the East Bay Monthly. (with photo)

5. Island-Life blog:
“The editors they are a’changin’…(press release/photo)
Island-Life welcomes this enterprising woman back into the local press fold here as one of the few woman publishers in the Golden State.

6. San Francisco State Univ. alumni news. (Look where I’m located) (over whom, I mean):
Alum Julia Park Tracey has been named publisher and executive editor of the Alameda Sun newspaper. Alameda Sun 11/2/07 (no pic)
Alum Danny Glover talks about his first experiences acting in theatre at SF State. Charlotte Observer 11/2/07

7. A blog from the Peninsula about journalism, VeVee, said this:
Julia Park Tracey (pictured) — the founding editor of the Alameda Sun in 2001 only to leave three years later to persue other opportunities — has returned as the new publisher of the weekly newspaper, the Sun reported.…

8. In the Netherlands!!! — it’s all in Dutch. Have at it. The headline in English says:
Founder Returns to Head Alameda Operation

I think eight is enough. I was mentioned on Don Roberts’ Web site and then Lauren Do’s, commenting on DR’s posting of an embargoed press release ahead of schedule. But that’s a different story altogether. I was just wondering if the info had rippled out anywhere, and how exciting to find that it had!

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