Job Hunt Continues, and Then Some
I feel like I’m intruding when I want to post some of my own stuff, now that the disembodied Voice of Mia has moved in. I still haven’t been able to reach her by phone; it always says she’s got it switched off in this posh British accent (not hers). So I wait for her e-mails to catch up with what’s next.
I have been planning to set up the Red Hills Review Web site but last night had the idea to set up a RHR blog instead, so for what it’s worth, if you get a minute, go check out, huh? And let me know if you think that might work.
The Wizard of Oz opened last night but because of drama from the teens, I didn’t go, so can’t report back how it went in any detail. Suffice it to say it was wonderful, as in Wonderful Wizard, and that everyone should dash out and buy a dozen tickets today. Go!
Has anyone been down to Wilmot’s Books yet in Alameda? Cute little bookshop just around the corner from the house, in the old 5th Street Station building (used to be the little train station). It’s very cute and the Wilmots are keen folk and very friendly. We pass by several days a week and say hello on our way to or from school. I’m thinking of holding a reading or some sort of RHR event there, though there isn’t a lot of room. Like to find out more? It’s at 5th and Central; call Tim or Mary at 865-1443. Check out this other Alamedan’s post on this fine bookstore: Pixel ‘Ranging, who went to Wilmot’s grand opening event and reported on what he saw.
And, finally, winter issue of RHR is truly underway. I’m picking up the subs from my reader today and will begin the “typesetting,” though not literally, just trying to see which of our selections fit into the space. There’s a good essay by friend David Baker, an interview with Joshilyn Jackson, some short fic and devastatingly wonderful poetry by Henry Leung, among other selections. I’ll keep you posted.
Worked like a woman yesterday and more today, catching up on late stuff and getting a leap-start on other stuff, because of jury duty again next week. I plan to submit a bunch of stuff to various zines and journals from Poets & Writers, just continue to get my stuff out there. I hate feeling like the creative side is stagnating while the money side is working overtime and yet still underpaid. Ah, well. The balancing act and all that.
Do you like poetry? Good poetry, I mean? Sign on for the Richard Brautigan Poem of the Day list hosted by our good friend and RHR contributor Dan Brodnitz. It’s not all Richard Brautigan, but always, always wonderful. If you’re interested, drop Dan a line at and ask to join in. It’s like a lovely little gift in your inbox every day.
And who doesn’t need that?
Missive From Mia
Sooo…i quit the White Horse after one day. you have no idea how much we had to learn and do and all for shit money! i know it sounds horrible but after one shift, my feet hurt (not good when you have to walk everywhere) and i was tired and reeked of smoke and hungry and didn’t want to stay out late. i didn’t want to go in any pubs because i had been in one all day. etc. etc. etc. the list goes on. i know i’m coping out and it’s lame but i just don’t want to work that hard. i did that at home, i’ve been doing it since i was like sixteen and i’m here to have fun. if i don’t want to go out and see the city after work, then why didn’t i just stay at home?
PLUS i had an interview with the absolute nicest people at the Science Museum. they pay £7 an hour to work the front desk. fabulous! i am supposed to hear back this weekend. it went really well though. we shall see.
in the meantime, i am running around (in a dress today! haha and about 34234982734 layers on top, inclu. tights, socks and legwarmers) trying to get my bank account started up and fix my blasted mobile! 9/10 it only lets me make emergency calls. how nice is that? so i don’t know who has been trying to call. i tried to set up voicemail, but that evidently hasn’t worked either. grumble, grumble. first stop after this is the infamous carphone warehouse to see if they can bloody fix it. then to the post office to cash in the rest of my traveler’s checks (eek!) for rent.
i’m hoping to go see the agatha christie play and then there were none with lindsay and her sister (who’s in from york this weekend) tonight. i can’t believe i haven’t seen any theater or ballet yet! i went to charing cross road and got a bunch of lightweight plays that i can carry around, read on the tube etc. nowhere to be found was notes from a small island. (aunt nancy recomm. it too. i’m really trying to find it.)
one night we went down and ate at this fabulous place right next to shakepeare’s globe and pub-hopped for a bit. we found ourselves in trafalgar square and danced on the steps of St. Paul’s cathedral, which looks absolutely magical at night. if you just stand in front of the doors and look up, they look like they’ll touch the sky. totally totally aweinspiring. really incredible.
i’ve discovered if i have my headphones on and am making my way around the tube, i feel like i am in a movie. i’ve been trying to pick good theme songs for this. silly, fun, things i do as i explore.
cross your fingers about the science job otherwise, it’s back to the drawing board…or the tube… or the pavement. yes, bills are all right. i have taken care of visa and everything else – piss it! i will write again soon. i will hopefully TALK to you soon. i miss you a lot, mama. a lot a lot. some days are rather lonely. i’m trying to do my own thing and not just follow lindsay around. still have no friends, haha boohoo. i’m going to try to get the stupid phone sorted out. then things will be dandy.
loveyoudearly, mia
p.s. i was trying to explain the mia-tortilla, mommmy-salami etc. to linds last night at dinner. never realized how ridiculously nerdy it is that we do that, until i said it out loud.