MiaMia Oh My
Missive from Mia
I have discovered a new passion for bikram yoga. It’s true! It’s absolutely incredible! Even in my dance classes, i don’t know if i have been able to completely block out EVERYTHING and not care that i am sweating buckets and have frizzy hair and smell and let my gut hang out etc. haha. it’s really amazing. i thought i’d be good at it, what with the dancing and all but actually, it’s completely different and wow — i’m amazed.
this studio just opened up right around the corner (one of the only five in england) and so we got a 10 classes for £10 deal, which is kind of amazing. we have gone every night and really feel great. i don’t want it to end but i don’t know if i am going to be able to afford it after this. especially not THIS month!
Today i did the only grocery shopping probably for the month, haha, and mailed your bday gift!look for it! sorry it isn’t wrapped and the customs sticker tells you exactly what’s in there so try not to read that! just open!
what else? i am going to go to the Portabello Market after this and get some fresh fruit. i also want to try and check out the other museums that are right by the science museum because i never get to and i get in free now. i’m also considering westminster abby for some reason? just sounds really great right now. then it’s yoga again tonight.. woohoo!
ah yes, your trip! lindsay and i are planning on going to Prague april 13-16. so i was thinking if you left on the 16th and got here on the 17th, we could have that whole week together at least. and we have to go to Bath and oh yes, PARIS! i’m saving that for you, mom! Come February paycheck i am going to buy ALL my traveling stuff if i can! i wish i could right now.
i STILL HAVEN’T heard from any of the other 2 schools. UARTS or AADA. have you? it drives me mad that i am spending all this money to go to NYC and have only ONE audition. (deep breath) it makes me feel like i am putting all my eggs in one basket. but i think i have decided that if i don’t get into that school right away then i am going to go to NY anyway and completely finish my GE (one semester maybe?) and also: get back to work on my ASL so i can work on my interpreting license. i have to have a real job someday, right? and then i’ll have more schools to choose from when it comes time to transfer again. and maybe i can transfer in the middle of the year.
i think i have done enough damage here for now. i love you to bits, miss you much and sorry again that i had to call you for rescue but i’ve been sharpening my tweezers for you (haha, not yet!) i’ll try to fix my voicemail again. LOADS OF KISSES!
Note from Mom: Don’t even ask!
p.s. HI PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!