Oodles of goodness
Catching up here at blog-central with some announcements and news and previews and hints at future nonsense…
1) The Doris Diaries is doing beautifully. So beautifully that we won two awards in the past week. In the past day, actually. Yesterday, Monday, May 6, I got news from two separate book contests that I’ve Got Some Lovin’ to Do did very well. Not quite the winner, but close. Which is better than the proverbial poke in the eye, no? The San Francisco Book Festival gave IGSLTD an honorable mention in Biography! And I also received this email: “Your book has been named a Finalist in the Memoir category of the 2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.”
2. So far so good! I also had a fantabulous review of IGSLTD posted yesterday by a San Francisco writer on the Broadway Books web site: BWW Reviews: “Party Lines and Party Dresses: A Look at New Work from Julia Park Tracey.”
3. But that wasn’t enough. My article in Alameda Magazine also just hit the stands, a feature on the Altarena Playhouse, which is just celebrating 75 years of theatrical hooha.4. What next? IDK… How about the (re)release of Tongues of Angels in a matter of days? Like, Friday? How about that? You’ll see that there’s a giveaway on GoodReads right now through end of the month, and if you click on the link, you can enter for a free copy of TOA. You can order this through your local book store or you can click online and buy it there. Whatever works best for you. The ebook will not be up for another six weeks (it takes longer to format than print, if you can believe that one). I’ll announce that when it’s ready.
There will be an online party, what we call a virtual release party, on Facebook, and I’m also planning a brick-and-mortar, 3D, HD, real-time, face-time party. Otherwise known as a party. The theme? Tarts & Vicars, of course. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, you are welcome to attend. Photos will be posted.
That’s what’s new. Exciting times, my friends. Glad to be here.
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