- Appearances, book biz, Books, Catching Up, freelance, NaNoWriMo, novel, Uncategorized, Veronika Layne
Weekend Wonders…
Saturday is the first day of NaNoWriMo and I am raring to go. So ready to start writing book #2 of the Veronika Layne series that I keep spacing out of conversations and falling into my story. I was up on a ridge, hiking, in my mind today, and suddenly there was a love scene happening, and then I realized my husband was talking to me and I had to snap out of it. I wasn’t fantasizing — I was writing. In my mind. Just like that. NaNoWriMo is a 30-day bootcamp to write a novel. I wrote one last year and it was one of the best experiences —…
Getting Ready for a New Release…
My new book is coming out in a few weeks! I’ve been lucky and diligent enough over the past few years that I’ve had a new book out every fall. The newest is a change for me — chicklit. Love me some sassy singles looking for love. Veronika Layne Gets the Scoop (Booktrope 2014) is the first of several journalist adventures called the Hot off the Press series. I’ve been a journalist for many moons now and those experiences form the basis for Veronika’s personality and adventures. She runs after firetrucks and sits through meetings, works hard with her fellow journos, and plays hard, too. When an international media chain…
What Would Jane Do? A Literary Pilgrimage
What Would Jane Do? A Literary Pilgrimage By Julia Park I’ve been to England twice before, and to the beautiful Georgian city of Bath in particular, because as a Jane Austen aficionado, a Janeite, if you will, that’s what we do. We follow in her footsteps, we look for the Jane connection, and we read each of her six novels (and the juvenilia, the marginalia, and the letters) as if they were travelogues. Some of them are travelogues of a sort. In Pride and Prejudice, for example, Elizabeth Bennett and her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner plan a tour of the Lakes District, in part to forget about certain young men.…
Salon for Arts: Poetry
Salon for Arts Featured Poet Sahara 2110 Ashby Avenue Berkeley, CA Cover charge $15. Last Sundays monthly, 1-4pm (510) 383-0717 | yollanda@salonforarts.com www.salonforarts.com Books for sale afterward.
Poetry: Featured Reader
Saturday, October 11, 7 p.m. Frank Bette Center for the Arts 1601 Paru Street, Alameda www.frankbettecenter.org Free. Refreshments. Books available for purchase. Open mic follows.