no go
Following up to the other day’s post about the suckhole that we hoped would be ours — poo. We didn’t get the house after all. As these things happen, just as we were getting our offer ready, someone else put in a bid (this was after we’d been assured that no one else on the planet, nay, the very universe was interested…). Their bid was lower than ours was going to be — but it was accepted. So clearly, the Big Kahuna has something else in mind for us. I can’t say I’m amused by the whole roller coaster of the real estate market, with its last-minute nasty surprises. But what…
what’s new, pussycat?
Hi. It’s me. Been busy. Just wanted to poke my head in the back door and share what we’ve been doing. In a word, LOTS. We are days away from making the offer on the pot house — the gutted, in-foreclosure dump in the West County (Sonoma) that was once a pot-growing house. We’ve been taking measurements, poking through floors and woodwork, calling the county, pacing off boundary lines, scraping together our cash (since it’s a cash-only deal), talking to neighbors, and thinking, thinking, thinking if we can really do it. We think we can. We’ve been talking with family and friends who have the know-how. My dad has a barn…
drive my car
well, fer Pete’s sake….our other car died yesterday. We’ve been a one-car family since Dec. 30, but this is ridiculous. I was running errands but pooped out early and was heading home. I had dropped off Mr Husband at the airport at 5 am for a business trip and was just falling asleep on my feet by noon. I just couldn’t deal with my grocery shopping because it takes brain power to shop wisely and I wasn’t in the mood. I needed a nap. So. Driving home and almost there (a scant 8 blocks) when the Check Engine light comes on — never a good sign. This is followed quickly…
little life lesson
I’m finding it a little harder than I thought to completely stop using the dryer. It’s been sunny, there is no snow, and yet the dryer is RIGHT THERE next to the washer. So instead of just reaching over, I have to lug a wet, heavy basket outside, spend the time hanging this stuff out, shaking it, etc. Then I have to wait several hours and then bring it back in. What a pain in the *ss. The difference is in attitude. If I look at it as a chore, as a pain in the tuchus, then it will be. If I look at hanging the clothes dry as…
two-week whirlwind
This is a fortnight of open doors. Sharing my home with an open heart creates connection. I am a peaceful water lily. I am saying these things to myself to stay focused and calm during these coming days. Tomorrow, Isa arrives from Germany to live with us for a year. Thursday, Fabi’s parents arrive from Germany to take her home after 5 months with us. The parents are staying for 10 days, during which time I will have two German students, one leaving and one getting used to America, plus tour-guiding the folks around…and one of my own daughters is moving out at end of the month. Not to mention the rest of…