A postscript to today’s shopping adventures. Mr. Husband did the party shopping for our Sunday BBQ and although he kept strictly to the list, and got great buys, nonetheless, we are left with a mere $65.97 to finish the month. With 12 days left, nearly two weeks with three meals per day for five people, that could get interesting. I have asked my family members to bear with it and let’s see how we do. They are, needless to say, already planning where they will go out to eat when this “thing” is over. Changing the world, one family at a time. Or not.
Pie and Prejudice
Yes, those are bugs in the photo. Disgusting? Bear with me. I just returned from food shopping, done with great caution (more on that in a minute). As I was swiping my ATM card at the grocery store, I noticed that there are options such as debit, credit, or EBT. The EBT card is the food stamp card. I had never noticed that option before. So I asked the cashier, “If I swipe my EBT card, does it (the computer) know if what I’m buying is OK?” (qualifies for a FS purchase, I meant). I don’t know how to express how her face changed. Her smile changed a little, definitely less smiley.…
the halfway mark
Just past the halfway mark in the month of June, and halfway through the June Food Stamp Challenge. Yesterday was our payday, so I paid bills and wrangled with a couple of items. If I was a food stamp recipient, I would be glad of the extra money coming in, but either way, I’m really annoyed about the money going out, too. To wit: Our health insurance company sent me a letter saying that if I switched to their mail-order prescription service, my co-pay would decrease by 1/3. I would pay $20 for a three-month supply of Medicine A. At pharmacies, I pay $10 a month. OK, sounds good. I signed up, sent…
Discount: It’s what’s for dinner
Saw this at Walgreen’s on deep discount, so I bought 2 of them. There’s nothing wrong with it. No idea why it was marked down. It tasted delicious, with a splash of red wine and the rest of the leftover pizza sauce mixed in. I could have added some mushrooms but I forgot until just now. Oh, well. I am wryly amused by the “Last Chance” sticker, though. Don’t miss out — this stuff is going, going, gone… This is the kind of thing one can buy and be glad when one is on food stamps. I recount this little victory because today has been another one of those days…
by all that’s holy —
Dear lord, what I wouldn’t give right now to pick up the phone and order take-out. Just one phone call. There are four of us — how much could it cost? Ha! — a lot. Chinese food, delivered or picked up, never less than $35. Bad cheap pizza for $5? But it’s so bad, why would anyone eat it? Sushi does not deliver, but even the word sushi costs extra, I think. That stuff isn’t cheap, considering they don’t even cook it (ha ha)… I haven’t slept well for a couple of nights, and woke up tired. I did a bunch of errands this morning including a trip to the farmers’ market, where I met…