Tap dancing, for your pleasure
Monday MenuBreakfast (very early today): Julia: raisin bran and milk, coffee; The Boy: Hot Pocket; girls not at home; Patrick: oatmeal, grapefruit, hardboiled egg (at work, same every day)Snack (second breakfast!): Hardboiled egg, grapefruitLunch: Julia/Simone: pasta salad, carrot and celery sticks, coffee; Patrick: green salad, leftover sliced ham and tomatoes.Snack: Iced coffee (
The best-laid plans (JFSC)
The June Food Stamp Challenge continues. We have plans for a BBQ on Father’s Day and will be providing the entrees (hot dogs, sausages, burgers and some chicken), plus appetizers, desserts and some basic beverages. Family and friends have been asked to bring their own choice of beverages (beer, soda, etc.) and a salad or side dish if they want something other than what we’ll provide. So this week’s shopping will be mostly aimed at prepping for that event. Luckily, I have fresh and frozen food left over from last week, still have the chicken pieces that I cut up and froze in marinade, as well as lots of veggies, potatoes and pasta. It may get…
Fun, if you’re not poor, and damned statistics
Friday night’s baseball adventure brought up a number of questions for our family. Although I had planned carefully in advance, our JFSC got sticky as we tried to stay on a food budget while at the ball game. Obviously, we have options, while someone living on food stamps might not. The major difference is that the JFSC is a choice for us, not a long-term situation. So here are some questions to consider: What happens to a poor family when one member refuses to play by the rules — abide by the budget, buy only healthy food, or eat only his share? Is it right or wrong for a poor family or person to…
Days 10 and 11: Ok so far
A third of the way into our June Food Stamp Challenge… Thursday I made a point to stop at the nonprofit with extra bread and found that there was a delivery of day-old artisanal and sandwich bread and pastries. I filled a shopping bag with sliced bread and sourdough. Some of the sliced bread went into the freezer; some thick-cut bread I set aside to make French toast this weekend. There were a few dinner rolls, which one daughter and I ate in the afternoon for lunch. Odds and ends and scraps of stale bread go into our chicken feed bucket — I take broken and stale pieces from the…
Ten Catastrophes for a Hungry Person
**This post is part of the June Food Stamp Challenge located over HERE.** Burnt toast. You were going to eat the last piece of bread for breakfast and the toaster got stuck and now there is no more bread so you have to scrape it and eat it anyway, or do without. Spilled milk. You think this is funny? It’s not. If this is a week’s supply and it spills, or a bug flies into it (fish it out? drink it anyway? give it to the cat/dog? argh!). Kid forgets to drink it, it’s all warm and you think it might be bad — drink it anyway or toss it?…