Mia Mia in Italia
Here’s the next chapter from Mia: yep, i am here. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom, i can’t even begin to tell you what a nightmare i have been having since i left Natasha. i got on a trade to belgrade on monday night at 5pm. my overnight train was supposed to leave at 10pm and it didn’t get to belgrade until 1AM! natasha had left me at 11 on the last train back to novi sad (luckily she came with me because i ended up having 7 hours to kill and belgrade was really dodgy) so i was just sitting there in this scary train station with loads of gypsies and bums. after…
Yoo Hoo from Yugoslavia
FROM our friend Natasha Tucakov: Dear Julia, She is here! She is so beautiful, smart and interesting person. Last night she showed us the photos from the journey and we enjoyed it. I wish you were here with us, too. Today I will take her to the town and at the Petrovaradin fortress, so I hope you’ll be with me, when you see our photos. I’ll write you soon. Many greetings to all from the hot Novi Sad Love,Mia, Natasha and Zoran p.s. mia’s note: hi mama! Natasha is so wonderful, I really hope that you two can meet someday because she is just the sweetest person. she won’t stop…
Buda or Pest?
From Mia: How about.. BUDAPEST! how about, i am IN LOVE with this city. i couldn’t be more pleased that i decided to come. it is just absolutely awesome. it was a long, crowded train ride from Prague (if you don’t reserve, you can end up standing the ENTIRE 7 hours. i got lucky and got a seat, but ack! i was scared (scarred?) for life. i am definitely doing the reservation thing now, lest i am a stander on the next round. But funnily enough, the guy sitting across from me was American.. then Californian.. then San Franciscan.. then actually, Santa Rosa… Sebastopol! how awesome is that?! he teaches…
Czech It Out
Mia sez…OK — the short version of the story is: It took me FOREVER to get to Prague from Berlin and since i didn’t have a hostel, i toted around my massive bag for hours trying to find one. finally one girl at a hostel called around for me and got me one (on the other side of town) so i sorted out the trams and then the metro and then walked back and forth looking for #7 building. it went from 6 to 8a. then 1/2 a block later came 7.. what?! but finally i got there, really nice hostel and collapsed in my room. there were three dutch…
Beautiful Berlin
Miss Mia Makes It…i am in berlin, mom! i made it! I arrived just as the sun was setting this absolute piercing red and it was a gorgeous night and i really couldn’t bear to get in a taxi so i sorted out the S-bahn train and it was super easy, super cheap. My hostel was not a 10-min walk away (though it was down a bit of a dark, scary street. I just kept my head down and walked fast! sorta hard to fit in when you are toting a huge pack!) (Mommy’s note: eeeek!) But it was fine, I got checked in and met a nice guy in…