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    Hurghada Hoo-ha

    More from Miss Mia-Manga 🙂 soooo, here we are in Hurghada.ick. It looks like “Little Egypt casino and resort” here, like it should be plopped down in the middle of Vegas. no thank you. We are pretty bummed right now because we got here yesterday and quickly discovered two things: #1, there is absolutely no culture to be found (the excitement of seeing the Red Sea, which is gorgeous, btw, wore off already) and #2, if we thought the rest of Egypt was bad for women…woohoo! this tops it! (I probably shouldn’t tell you any of this because then you will just worry, but know that we are taking all…

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    Luxor Life

    Another post from Mia as she travels the world. It gets a bit, uh, gritty, so enjoy 😉 — hello mama! ahhh, i am back in civilization!! since i last wrote you, we rode a train down from Cairo. 13 hours! ack! we all rolled out our sleeping bags because the AC was on high and i actually made an attempt at using the horrible stall of a toilet and was almost drowned in toilet water. (more on that later. but can we just say for now, yuck!) but once we arrived in Aswan, oh my gosh… BEAUTIFUL! i absolutely loved it. it was gloriously hot and our hotel was…

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    Greetings From Egypt

    (From Mia, sillies…) HI HI HI — or should i say, Shalom! i am HERE in Cairo and it is so insane! it’s a huge city and there is so much going on. there are no lines to mark the streets so all the cars just go haywire, wherever they want. there are no seatbelts and people (even children!) just run across whenever they can. it’s quite a wild ride! the sound of horns is constant, making a really strange drone for the city. it’s really dirty and also unexpectedly, really sad. i’ve never been to a place (except mexico but that was so short a time) where it is…

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    Two Weeks Late

    Yep, two whole weeks without a post. Hard to believe (not). The rundown is…lots of drama and excitement with kids in the last week of school, busy weekends, busy days, etc. Patrick has been commuting to his new job in San Bruno which means I’m at his house 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. to cover kid patrol. That means I was getting the kids off to school in the morning, then working, then with them all afternoon. Except now school is out, so I’m burning the candle at both ends and in the middle — early rising, doing a little work during the day, and then blasting home after Patrick…

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    New Missive from Mia

    Posting her latest email — they have been few and short, of late; instead, we racked up hundreds of dollars in phone bils (or at least I did). Ack. So we’re back to email again. She’ll be done in London June 30, then is traveling to Egypt for two weeks, then to Germany, Prague, Hungary, Serbia, and Italy. There are other stops but i can’t remember them all. Probably Vienna. She’s ending up in Portugal and then to London to fly home Aug. 1. Between now and the end of June she’s got weekends packed with adventures — EuroDisney this “weekend” (her days off are Wed and Thurs), courtesy of…