
Saturday Evening Post

You know that list of stuff I was supposed to do (below)? I did it all. Except the thank-ee notes, and I’ve just been told I have a year to say thanks. I don’t think that’s true (I think people have a year to give us gifts if they wanted to). But maybe everyone believes in the year-myth and that gives me a reprieve. Then people keep telling me not to write them TY notes. But I must. It’s The Law. Seriously.

This has been a krazy week, super busy but more to come. Lots going on at the Sun and getting ready for new pages, new ad campaigns, new sections, new columns, etc. We’re getting ready for a new craft corner where we go to various classes like beads, knitting, glass-etching, whatever, and write about it. Then we’re in the midst of a Think Pink for breast cancer month, so tomorrow Carrie and I are doing a pink photo shoot (Ana doing the pix). We’re dressing all in pink. We’re trying to work up a thing where we invite the town of Alameda to show up at City Hall wearing all pink and we’ll take the photo and put it on the front page. Couple of weeks from now, maybe. Wow! It’s true! Maybe…

Just got the Literati youth writing contest underway, and also set up the guidelines for the holiday writing contest we’re also having at the Sun. Literati prep continues, with new plans for an exhibition of Jane Austen books, costumes and accessories, as well as a literary philatelic display. Vendors and purveyors and authors are contacting me left and right. The PR needs to go out on the wire this week, and I have been collecting stuff for goody bags for participants, and for raffle baskets. (Please let me know if you have logo stuff I can drop into the bags — keyrings, pens, matches, gum?) My living room is a disaster. Truly. Filled with Literati stuff. I’ve had meetings nearly every day for Literati or Sun or whatever, ack.

Wrote a big editorial for the Sun last week, which got me some mail and some guff, also did that Urinetown review for the 2 papers. This weekend I did an interview with Pat Potter of The Music Scene and Pucci’s fish market fame. He’s performing locally in his House of Floyd band Oct 27, so I’m writing that up for the Sun. I have a visit to Laci’s textiles museum in Berkeley scheduled for next week to write about for The Monthly. I finished the piece I was working on for Alameda Mag about local heroes — really enjoyed doing that, even from sickbed. Lovely people out in this world. Nice to get to know them.

The garden is fading fast. We still have tomatoes but even the potted plants are looking bedraggled. About time to replant everything. (Oops, I should switch this to the Bliss blog — gotta stick to gardening over there!) I’d like to decorate a bit for Halloween — I mean, I’d like the kids to do so but all in good time.

I have that pink photo shoot tomorrow and the rest of the day will be spent working on Literati stuff — flyers, PR, poster designs, etc. (plus groceries, menus, laundry, housework, watering the yard). So much stuff to do. So little time. I have a month — exactly 4 weeks. Watch me spin.

In the meantime, book ideas, stories, a new novel, and more are swimming in my brain. Stand back. This could get — fun. Gonna go snuggle with my hubby now so I can get an early start in the a.m.

Ciao, bellas.

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