welcome back to the end of the year
It’s that time. It’s that time AGAIN, I mean. Isn’t it? Why do I not feel like shopping, decorating or baking? What shall we do about that?
I think it’s because I’m still catching up from the weekend, where I did some awesome work with a group of women on personal power and transformation — which soulds like Magick but isn’t. It’s more about believing in yourself and knowing you are strong than about fairy dust and magic wands. Not about fairy dust at all, actually. Love, though. Lots of love.
Anyway. Good weekend. Busy days ahead…
You can find Magick within as well as without, my dear friend. We all carry the power, but learning to focus and channel it and use it wisely… if that isn’t Craft, then I don’t know what is!
Shopping: spend an hour or two with Santa Amazon. Decorating: delegate to one of your kiddos. Baking: keep it simple. Watch out for those nasty little expectations… not those of any in-laws or neighbors (they don’t matter anyway) but those of that little voice coming from your pillow around 2 a.m.
My personal bugaboo: the annual holiday letter and card. I have no idea if I’ll get it done this year; maybe it will be a New Year’s card, or St. Patty’s day.
Anyway, be kind to yourself. Prioritize, let go of the nonnecessary crap, maybe pick up some Mexican Wedding cookies from a bakery. It’s OK to have an off year now and then!
Hey, I’ll be in the Bay Area between Jan. 7-9. I’ll try to get hold of you closer to the dates… but I hope you can spring free for lunch or tea!
nancy la vie
Happy Holidays Julia!
I know you are swamped, but don’t forget to check out the new Cathedral near the Lake in downtown Oakland. I am always amazed by how religions can build such beautiful buildings! If you haven’t followed this edifice’s construction, just google the Cathedral name and see why the architects/s did what they did. Opening this fall —
September 25, 2008 Dedication Mass and Consecration of the Cathedral of Christ the Light.
Omar Cruz
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