
what was i thinking? Part XXX

We got the kittenS (plural). Three of them. They think they own the place. In fact, they do own the place. This is what they look like right now, sleeping on top of a manuscript box in my office. On top of each other, as well.

Because it was a buy one-get one free sale (seriously! They called it a “2 Fur” sale) at the shelter, I also got a budgie — a blue parakeet we named Jamaica. S/he was silent and woudn’t eat for the first 24 hours but now is fluttering around and chirping and eating and watching us from the corner of its eye. It’s just three months old, too, and we won’t be able to tell its gender for another three months, after molting. So I’m told. Jamaica is nice and asexual, and we feel downright tropical having a parakeet as blue as the Caribbean in our family room.

Gratitude? Yes, we’re happy that we’re becoming an Ark.

Next up? Reindeer.
Just kidding.

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One Comment


    Brian Park

    What are you trying to copy me?? We just got two kittens too! They are Gypsy and Tramp (they are sisters). Yes it’s from the song “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves”. Thanks to Amanda. Lots of fun. They are smaller than yours. But still we have the litter box issue! How come no one ever wants to do that job?? Somehow, it’s always us Parks stuck with the job. Must have been all the farm animals growing up. Nothing much grosser than cleaning sheep pens. We are not easily grossed out? Hmmm. Maybe it’s Karma, or just bad luck.

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