
worky worky

My friend Dennis was teasing me today, old goat that he is, and inspired me to find this picture of myself in my new role. Here it is (left – click on it to enlarge!). Does that look like me? Am I that old yet? No, just feels that way.

Boo hoo, just whining, don’t mind me. This weekend is a no-kid weekend in which we are clearing the wedding presents out of the living room, washing all linens in prep for winter (changing to flannel sheets and more blankies because NO HEATER in this house. I mean, we have heat but $800 a month for heat is not my idea of fun, so put on a sweater and some socks, kiddoes…)

What else? Balancing checkbook, dealing with taxes (self-employed people have these kinds of things to do, ugh), paying bills, clearing stuff outta the house — hello, Freecycle friends!

Anything that the Freecyclers don’t want, I’m giving to a FOW yard sale next week, which is being held as a fundraiser for two women who lost their husbands in the past month. So either way I get to clear out and somebody gains.

I went to three events last night for work combined with pleasure: the Encinal High School football game (we won! 49-0, I think), Paden Elementary School’s Multicultural Night and the Pack’s softball game (they won, 18-10). Poor Husband is as sick as I was (I’m still coughing, agh), and he had to play center field anyway. Threw, caught, hit, ran, barfed in the outfield and then went home and passed out. A day of rest is definitely in order for him. Today he watched football all day and hooted very loudly when Cal won the game. And did I tell you that I baked my ass off for the Encinal varsity cheerleaders’ bake sale for Friday’s 7 pm game, only to find at 6:40 pm, as I’m slicing and wrapping furiously, that they weren’t allowed to have the table after all and it was postponed till Monday at noon. Mmmm, stale cupcakes! Mmmm, 24 hours of baking, funnnnnn….all for a good cause. (I even bought football-themed fabric and hemmed it for a tablecloth…Uber-Mama to the rescue!)

Meanwhile, we caught up on watering the dried-out garden (poor thing), recycling, did some leaky, damp garage clean up, etc.

And writing. Hoo boy. Lots on my plate this weekend:

  • I need to download the pix from all those events and format them, write captions and send them to the appropriate publications.
  • Write an editorial for the Sun.
  • See and review Urinetown for 2 publications.
  • Continue editing Music Scene reviews, stories, etc.
  • Wait for my youngest daughter to get home so she can give me her Teen Scene music story (she’s my intern now and learning how to write and take pix for newspapers).
  • Write some job description stuff and other corporate stuff for the Sun.
  • Write more thank you notes!
  • Continue planning Alameda Literati. We are at 35 days and counting down now. Ack! Visit http://www.alamedaliterati.blogspot.com/ for details on who’s there and who’s groovy and what-all is going on this year.

Another thing I did today was do serious work on the raffle baskets for Literati. So far we have a gardener’s basket, sports, kids’ crafts, teen fun (girl), teen “Scene” (boy or girl), a woman’s pamper-yourself basket, coffee/tea lover’s basket, All About Alameda basket, a reader’s basket, sewer’s basket, and a writer’s basket. We might separate the sports basket into sports and men’s baskets because I’m ending up with manly items AND sports items, and don’t want to restrict the sports to just guy stuff. That sounds sexist but I’m working with themes here, and I don’t think most men want the pink lipstick and chick flicks, and I am assuming most of the women don’t want to watch Rescue Me and wear stupid sports apparel, but I could be wrong. Whoever wins it wins it, the young writers’ scholarship fund gains, and I don’t really care.
Hey, friends and frequent readers, I really need donations of logo items like pens, key rings, notepads, whatever logo-type items you have handy in your place of employment — magnets? Nail files? Letter openers? Mints? Matches? Balloons? Pencils? Free samples? Buttons or pins? Coffee mugs? with the company name? I’ll list you/your company as a supporter in all the PR and web site, and each of the Literati participants will get one of your items in a goody bag — so we’d need about 60 or so of them. Send me e-mail if you can do so. Thank you!
What else? Can’t think anymore. Must drink coffee. Send messages in bottles. I am thirsty.
And if you’re interested in new work by this over-extended ambitious woman-on-a-roll, check out these new projects: lemonblossom for new poetry and fic or non fic, and A Year with the Saints for a spiritual pilgrimage to who knows where? I certainly don’t know. But come along, won’t you?

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